Study Human Anatomy - 3 Tips You Must Have

Wednesday, November 24, 2010
                Here are some of the best tips for studying human anatomy. I have amassed a list from some past honors students of Human Anatomy. Hopefully you can take these ideas and develop some of your very own study techniques. With a little extra time applying these skills to you studies can greatly improve your performance.

Study Human Anatomy Skill #1 - Use your book. I know this may seem obvious but go photocopy your images from the book and remove the labels. Make as many copies as you can without the labels. Now go through and place all the labels back in from memory. This will help to reinforce your memory because we as humans learn best by what we do, not what we see.

Study Human Anatomy Skill #2 - Don't just read your book. Read and Re-read your notes, book, and anything else you can get your hands on. Rewrite notes. With anatomy you have to be a visual learner, it's not enough to just know the names; you have to know locations relative to the body. Let's say we are studying the bone matrix, the scapula for instance is the shoulder blade. What if you were to see it outside of the skeleton? Would you know what is was then?

Study Human Anatomy Skill #3 - Learn terminology early. This is a given but for many first time anatomist, the instructor may sound like he's speaking a different language which may be overwhelming at first. But with a little practice you will find that the names of ligaments or muscles actually give you hints of its origins. For example Flexor Digitorum Profundus   is the major muscle that flexes the fingers.  Therefore, you may already know what Flexor Digitorum Superficialis does, it's the same action, but this weaker muscle lies closer to the surface of the forearm. 

These are just some examples of a few things you can do to increase your retention when you are studying.


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