Indian Law Institute (ILI) Delhi PHd Admission 2012

Sunday, November 06, 2011
Indian Law Institute ILI, New Delhi
Bhagwan Dass Road, New Delhi – 110 001

Ph.D Admissions 2012

The Indian Law Institute, New Delhi has invited applications for admission to the PhD Programme in Law.
Eligibility for the admission:
To be admitted to the candidature for a Doctoral degree an applicant shall have:

i. Obtained a Master’s Degree in law of any recognised university securing not less than 55% marks or its equivalent.

ii. For applicant belonging to SC / ST category and / or physically handicapped applicants, a relaxation of 5% in marks shall be admissible.

iii. Teachers working in any University or its affiliated colleges and having a teaching / research / other relevant experience of not less than 5 years may be allowed a relaxation of 5% marks.

Procedure for Admission:
a. The admission shall be through a written test to be conducted by the Institute on 10th December, 2011 at 2 pm in the Indian Law Institute, New Delhi.
b. The candidates who have qualified for UGC NET / JRF, SLET, and M. Phil are exempted from taking the admission test.
c. All qualified candidates shall make a presentation before the Admission Committee on the proposed topic of research on a date notified by the Institute.
Application Forms
Application forms can be downloaded from

The application form complete in all respect along with a brief Research Plan and a Demand Draft of Rs. 1000/- drawn in favour of The Indian Law Institute payable at New Delhi to be submitted in the ILI, Bhagwan Dass Road, New Delhi – 110 001 by 28.11.2011.
For further details, logon to the website:


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