The UPSC does direct recruitment of clerks, officers and others and other into the various Central Government and our Union. This it does by conducting Competitive Examinations every year.
In all the UPSC conducts annually 12 such competitive examinations.
The Civil Services (Preliminaries); the Civil Services (Main); Indian Forest Service Examination; Engineering Services Examination; Geologists Examination; Special Class Apprentices Examination; National Defence Academy and Naval Academy Examination; Combined Defence Services Examination; Combined Medical Services Examination; Indian Economic Service/Indian Statistical Service Examination; Section Officers/Stenographers Grade B/Grade I/Limited Departmental Competitive Examination; Central Police Forces (Assistant Commandants) Examination.
If India is today on the threshold of becoming the economic super power, a major share of the credit can easily and unarguably go to the UPSC. We have only to see the thoroughly professional manner is which all these competitive examinations have been conducted over these long years and how well and globally competitive our armed forces, civil services, railways, engineering services, geologists, etc
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