Friday, November 19, 2010

All Authority in both Heaven and Earth, is in The Word of God. All mankind needs is the Word of God. 2 Timothy 3:16-17

It matters nothing what mankind believes regarding this truth: for the unbelief of man will never alter the words of God one whit!

Today in the English language, we have been given by grace the inspired, preserved, perfect, and pure words and word of God Almighty. These pure words of God, in English today, are found in the Authorized King James Bible: the Pure Cambridge Edition.

Here is the link to get your copy: http://www.bibleprotector.com/KJB-PCE-MINION.pdf

Satan has been working since the garden of Eden to corrupt the word of God. In the lifetime of Paul the apostle, MANY were corrupting the word of God according to Paul himself in 2 Corinthians 2:17.

But, the real word of God is incorruptible the apostle Peter states in 1 Peter 1:23.

Well then, how does Satan corrupt the incorruptible word of God? Simple. He makes his own bibles... by the hands of his own children... in this present evil world... of which he is presently the god of.

Since the arrival of the great Authorized King James Bible in 1611 A.D. Satan has been working ever so wickedly to corrupt God's words by the production of his own counterfeit bibles. The results have been staggering to say the least! Most people today who read these false, lying, dung filled books are just as deceived as Eve was in the garden.

ALL English bibles after 1611 A.D. other than the Authorized King James Bible, are Satanic, corrupt, lying, false, Jesuit bibles that are NOT the word of God in any way, shape or form. They all should be burned or thrown in a pile of dung! For they are worth less than dung and are good for nothing.

To prove all this from The Scriptures Alone, go to the "Radio Archives" button on this website and listen to the messages entitled, "All Authority" on the Authorized King James Bible. These messages began the first week of November 2010 and were taught on Tuesdays and Thursdays for many weeks.

According to the Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 4:4 you need EVERY word of God to live. And you can have them, in the Authorized King James Bible, Pure Cambridge Edition. Here you go again: http://www.bibleprotector.com/KJB-PCE-MINION.pdf

The question is, "Do you want them?"


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